Thursday, June 25, 2020

June 25th- some new songs for fun at home!

Hello everyone,

It is certainly a very hot day so lets relax, cool down and have some fun with 2 new songs! These are songs I learned when I was very young so I hope you like them.

The first song is about an old lady who swallowed a spider then has to swallow more and more bizarre animals to solve her problem. The second song is a very famous song and is about a very famous general from the UK who named the Duke of York.

Just click on the link, do the "preparation" activity to match the words and pictures, then listen to the song once or twice and sing along, please remember to TURN ON SUBTITLES!
After the song please play the little game below the video.

Have fun and a lovely day!


Tuesday, June 23, 2020

June 23rd - SHORT STORIES! 2 fun tales

Hello everyone!

So we are continuing to practice fun little activities so please have a look at our two tales today! We will learn about the st George and his fight with the dragon and we will also learn about a very important woman and doctor called Florence nightingale. I hope you enjoy! :)

You need to click the link, do the preparation activity then watch the video and do the activities that you will see below.

Have fun!


Monday, June 22, 2020

June 22nd - Extra POEM surprises

Hello everyone and happy summer!

It's been a long and crazy year so far and although school may be finished for now, we stilll need to practice lots and lots!

Today our fun little practice will focus on poems, Poem are like lttile songs whose words rhyme together to make a nice sound.

Today I want you to practice a poem all about "Dreams" when we sleep and then the 2nd poem is about "our favourite places" where we will hear about exciting and happy places. The last one is different things people like to collect as a hobby.

Just click the link then
1. Press PREPARATION or HELP before the audio file so you can play the VOCABULARY game before the poem
2. Listen to the poem carefully TWICE
3. Click on GAME a few.
5 read the transcript if you like!

I hope you enjoy and have fun! :)

Wednesday, June 17, 2020

June 17th - ''How to do a magic trick'' and ''How to make a stick puppet''

Hello everyone,

We will continue our relaxing, chilled out summer activities with 2 fun new skills we can learn and do at home.

Click the links below to watch the videos, if you want to practice at home you will need a few materials so be sure to watch carefully and turn on subtitles!

Have fun :)

How to do a magic trick
How to make a stick puppet

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

June 16th - i spy game and food quiz game

Good morning once again folks :)

Today I prepared 2 little activities and games for you all to enjoy.

The first game is called "I spy" so you will have to carefully watch the video and then watch again while singing along and spotting all the objects in the game.

The second game is about different types of food and drinks and you will have to choose between saying "A" or "some". For example a banana or some banana? some grapes or a grapes?
For this game you can choose different difficulties, START WITH EASY and then if you can do it try medium and onwards!

I hope you enjoy and best of luck! :)

I spy game and song
Food game (start with easy then medium and then hard)

Monday, June 15, 2020

June 15th - New games!

Hello everyone,

I hope you're enjoying the weather and excited for your last week of school and for summer to begin!

You have a test this week but lets start off nice and easy :)

Below you will a link to our new game Fast Phrases, we will be practicing some simple verbs and sentences so all you have to do is click the play button and carefully answer the questions. Thats it! :)

Hope you have fun and have a nice day

Fast Phrases verbs 1

Thursday, June 11, 2020

June 11th - 'all about the environment' activities

Hello everyone :)

Hope everyone is happy and well. We will continue our various activities and videos today but with a little twist. Today the theme and topic will be all about the environment and how we can take care of it. Please find the instructions below and click on the links! Have a lovely day :)

1. Press the link
2.At the TOP press PREPARATION and do the activity.
3 Watch the video
4. Click  GAME and play the game!
5. Discussion: read the question out loud and chat about it.
6. Click FINISH or PLAY again if you need to try again
(ABOVE preparation there may be a button saying HELP, click it if you can)

environment game
recycling game
Lemur song